10 Video Games Coming in 2015 That We Are Genuinely Excited About

It seems like 2015 will the year the eighth generation of consoles finally finds its stride. Let’s be honest here, so far there hasn’t been that one must-buy game for them yet, but that looks all set to change in the forthcoming year. We thought we would take a quick look at some of the […]

Akira: The Difference Between the Anime and the Manga

CineFix teamed up with Tom Pinchuk from AnimeVice to take a look at the differnce between Akira: The Anime and Akira: The Manga. For those of you who have both read the manga and watched the anime, which do you think is better? Let us know in the comments below! –Akira: 25th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray/DVD […]

A Boy and His Kite: Amazing Unreal Engine 4 at Work

The Unreal engine has always been an amazing and beneficial tool for game creators. Every time they release a new, updated version of their engine, they often release a sort of tech demo, too, highlighting just what the engine can do. In this case, Epic Games released a short film made using the engine, called […]

The Mars One Project Might Be A Scam

We all know about the Mars One trip that everyone has been talking about. Sending humans to inhabit Mars with the knowledge and understanding they WILL die up there, but will also help make huge leaps scientifically. While it sounded like a cool plot for the Interstellar sequel, seems some people may think this is […]