DISNEY: Warrior Princesses [Picture Gallery]
(Photos by The Will Box) [For individual photos of the ladies, visit io9]
(Photos by The Will Box) [For individual photos of the ladies, visit io9]
Incredibly, the detail on this hand-made dress from tumblr user Ali is drawn entirely by hand using a fine-tip Sharpie. Check out more pics at Ali’s tumblr. [Via: Fasionably Geek]
OK, we did think the Bill Gates one would be the last we posted in case the ice bucket fad got old, but we couldn’t resist. JJ Abrams challenged the 501st Legion, a group of Star Wars cosplayers (with high entry standards) who do a lot of appearances for charity. Challenge accepted… ALS Ice Bucket Challenge […]
Presented without comment or explanation. Because, frankly, we don’t have one. [Via: Geekologie]
Cosplay and Costume: Betty Nukem Photo (Above): ASPhotography
And yes, both of these shots are photographs. FasionablyGeek explains that: Cosplayer Kirameku is working on a Nisha the Lawbringer costume, and she decided to make the jeans look cel shaded just like they do Borderlands. These pants look like they’re right out of the pages of a comic. She painted over denim jeans with […]
[Source: Hello? Yes, This is Dog | Via Dueling Analogs]
Sure, we’ve all seen plenty of female oriented cosplay calendar projects online in the past few years, but I’ve rarely seen a male-focused one. The Men vs Cosplay: 2015 Heroes vs Villains calendar is a kickstarter project that looks to celebrate “the talented male costumers of the cosplay community.” The project has already been successfully […]
A fantastic new cosplay music video by my pals over at Sneaky Zebra! I think this is pretty much the best one they’ve done so far, and if you’ve seen our picture galleries of the event, there are plenty of shots featured in there that also appear in the video since Nick was doing both […]
A simple but effective way to stay anonymous at a place where she’d probably end up crushed under heels of rabid fans. [Source: maisie_williams | Via Neatorama]