This MechWarrior “Sunder” Baby Costume Wins Halloween This Year [Video]

From Ryan Bowen’s Wife: “My husband had this costume planned for several years, long before we had a child. The inspiration was a computer game he played in high school. When we found out we were having a baby, he got to work. Ryan sketched out the rough designs probably two months before Geraint was […]

HALLOWEEN 2014: Geeks are Sexy Readers’ Costumes Picture Gallery

As I’ve been doing for the past few years, I asked you guys for pictures of your Halloween costumes, and as usual, you delivered! Unfortunately, I received over 250 photos, so I just can’t post them all, but here’s a selection of some of my favorites for your viewing pleasure! Pictured above: Shanah O. as […]

Halloween in Tokyo, Japan: Shibuya Crazy Costume Street Party [Video]

I don’t know about you guys, but Halloween over in Japan looks awesome. In the case of these video (below), it’s just like a special outdoor edition of Comic Con. From Tokyo Fashion: Halloween has exploded in popularity in Japan in the last few years, and this year’s Shibuya Halloween street party was the biggest […]