This Medieval Darth Vader Armor is Most Impressive [Picture Gallery]

Prince Armory is very well known online for its amazing medieval armors, especially its incredible adaptations of various characters from pop culture. From Loki to Batman, and let’s not forget about Aquaman and The Joker, all of these armors are a wonder to behold and were crafted by Geeks are Sexy friend and Prince Armory […]

We Are Finally Getting ‘Back to the Future II’ Shoes from Nike This Year!

Remember the sick, auto-fitting Back to the Future II shoes? The one’s that the movie predicted people would be wearing in 2015? The above photo proves that for once, a movie wasn’t lying to you. A Nike designer has come out and pretty much confirmed the shoes will be ready for release sometime this year, auto-lacing […]

This Valkyrie Cosplayer Seems to be Coming Right Out of ‎Asgard‬ [Cosplay Pics]

If you’ve ever seen Valkyrie as a comic book character, then I’m pretty sure you’ve already noticed that Maid of Might Cosplay looks just like her. I just love her costume, it is very close from perfection. Photography by the excellent Manny Llanura of Manny Llanura Photography. [Costume and Model: Maid of Might Cosplay | […]

Man Uses 3D Printer To Make Perfect Arkham Origins Batman Costume

There are certain things that are just infinitely cool. Two of those things are 3D printers and Batman. But who would’ve ever thought they would be getting mentioned in the same article? Yet here we are, already proving 2015 will be chock full of awesome. Steven Dee of Crimson Coscrafts had the brilliant idea to […]