Cosplay Remix: 5 Years of Star Wars Cosplay [Video]
My pals from Beat Down Boogie just released an awesome compilation of all the Star Wars cosplay they caught on film for the past 5 years! Check it out! [beatdownboogie]
My pals from Beat Down Boogie just released an awesome compilation of all the Star Wars cosplay they caught on film for the past 5 years! Check it out! [beatdownboogie]
A fantastic series of pictures by potographer milliganvick featuring cosplayer Fenix Fatalist as Triss Merigold from The Witcher. The resemblance between the model and the actual character from the game is almost unbelievable! Model and Costume: Fenix Fatalist Photographer: Milligan Photography
The folks from Living Dead clothing have just released a beautiful line of cosplay catsuits developed specially for the unique requirements of cosplay enthusiasts. The Catsuit collection features 14 catsuits in varying printed patterns and fabrics – everything from bright pink PVC to carbon fiber print. The collection was modeled by world renowned professional cosplayer […]
In this edition of “Cosplay Remix,” the folks from Beat Down Boogie take a look at the awesome cosplaying kids they’ve film over the past few years. Enjoy! [Beat Down Boogie]
As part of her “Goodbye to 2015” posts on Instagram, Olivia Munn released this picture of herself as Psylocke in X-Men Apocalypse along with this note: #4 Getting to play #Psylocke in #xmenapocalypse. She’s a telekinetic telepath who chooses to kill with a sword because she wants to do it up close and intimate because […]
A quick behind the scenes look at the makeup and costume process for the best Vision cosplay I’ve seen to date! [DistractotronChannel]
One Punch Man is the new anime series (based off the web series) that is taking the anime world by storm. Hell, it is taking the whole world by storm. Thing is, this series came out of nowhere and suddenly is the new reigning king. What this means is there are a whole bunch of […]
A fantastic pair of horns that look like tentacles from Etsy user idolatre. Just the perfect thing for worshipers of the great old one. Whether you’re a siren, sea witch, ocean goddess, Deep One, or simply a cephalopod enthusiast, these fantastic one-of-a-kind horns are the perfect costume center piece. These original pieces are truly exquisite […]
This Play Arts Kai variant Harley Quinn cosplay looks by Yugana Senshi looks absolutely FANTASTIC! All these photos were taken by Foratshot. Model and Costume: Yugana Senshi Photography: Foratshot
Here’s 501st member SL-13377 showing us how to “assemble” the perfect Kylo Ren costume. This is the most accurate Kylo Ren costume I’ve seen, but darn, I don’t think I’d wear something like this outside during summer months; it would probably end up killing you by dehydration. [Dawn Bright]