C2E2 2016 Cosplay Music Video
My friends over at Aggressive Comix were at C2E2 (Chicago’s Pop Culture Event) last weekend where they captured some of the best cosplay they stumbled on on film. Check it out! [Aggressive Comix]
My friends over at Aggressive Comix were at C2E2 (Chicago’s Pop Culture Event) last weekend where they captured some of the best cosplay they stumbled on on film. Check it out! [Aggressive Comix]
I am very lucky to know some incredibly talented people. One of those people is a young man by the name of Dana Tarr. He wanted nothing more than to be a photographer, and unlike most people, he actually chased that dream aggressively until it was in his hands. From shooting Nicki Minaj (say what […]
Azure Cosplay looks absolutely perfect as Xena! She has everything right: The hair, the look, the costume! I had these photos sitting in a folder on my desktop for a while and remembered today that I was supposed to post them back in January! Yeah, I’m like that sometimes. :) [Source: Azure Cosplay]
Cosplayer Raquel Sparrow looks positively AMAZING as Aquaman, and I’m pretty sure Jason Momoa would agree with me on this as well. Check out the pics below! https://www.instagram.com/p/BCXFQT5gbYU/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BCcNRyAgbWY/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BCgaeYNAbT8/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BCYrSsJAbbm/ [Raquel Sparrow on Instagram | Via FG]
It might not be to scale, but this gundam cosplay by Punival looks nothing short of incredible! Cosplayer Mikuen also looks totally awesome as Sayla Mass and Feldt Grace! Photography by Yapcweng. [Via FG]
Another great cosplay music video by my pals over at Beat Down Boogie! This one was filmed at MAGFest 2016 (Music And Gaming Festival) between February 18 and February 21, 2016 in National Harbor, MD! All cosplay video should have music like this. It just makes me want to party! [beatdownboogie]
A fantastic video showcasing some of the best cosplay from Anime Matsuri 2016 (Houston, TX) by Mineralblu Photography. Watching this video made me wish I could have attended the convention! [Mineralblu | Via FG]
Awwwwwwwww… [Source: scificity on Tumblr | Via GT]
You’ll be forgiven for a double-take, but the picture above is not an illustration. Rather it’s a video screenshot of makeup artist Kay Pike after painting herself as Robin. Check out the timelapse video below to see how she did it.
Check out this absolutely beautiful montage of cosplayers at London Super Comic Con (LSCC) 2016. Proof, as if it were needed, that cosplay can truly be a work of art.