Jamie Lee Curtis Cosplayed As an Orc Shaman At The Warcraft Premiere; Yelled “Leeroy Jenkins”

Even though she’s not in the movie, actress and long time Warcraft geek Jamie Lee Curtis attended the Hollywood premiere of the Warcraft movie on Monday (along with her son, pictured above on the left) dressed as an Orc shaman. There’s even a video of her yelling “Leeroy Jenkins,” which you can watch at the […]

Cosplay for a Cause: When Cosplayers Unite for Charity

I have something to confess: I’m not very proud of myself. Last month, International cosplayer Riki ‘Riddle’ Lecotey wrote to me about “Cosplay for a Cause” a project that has the goal of raising funds for various charities, including the the American Red Cross, USO, the Japanese Red Cross, and more. Cosplay for a Cause […]

This Might Be the Most Inventive Ant-Man Cosplay of All Time! [Pic + Video]

Walkin’ & Rollin’ is an organization that builds custom costumes for childs with special needs, free of charge to their families. Check out this awesome Ant-Man costume they’ve created for a kid named Anthony! Ant-Man & Antony wheelchair costume in action. #BigSlickKC #AntMan pic.twitter.com/c68Gc8G1c9 — Walkin' & Rollin' (@WalkinNRollin) May 23, 2016 [Source: @WalkinNRollin]

Yes, There is Such a Thing as a Star Wars Pug Parade! [Pics]

Believe it or not, there was recently a Star Wars-themed pug parade in Portland, Oregon. Behold what is possibly the most amazing parade of all time: Last one! To that guy sitting on the curb behind the X-Wing pug: I know exactly how you feel pic.twitter.com/zn1Ef9lvG7 — Laura E. Hall (@lauraehall) May 23, 2016 I'm […]