Montreal Mini-Comiccon 2018: Where the Holidays Meet Cosplay

Each year, the folks behind Montreal Comiccon organize a free holiday version of the event (Montreal Mini-Comiccon) where cosplayers and shoppers alike meet to partake in a celebration of pop culture and joy. Naturally, my beloved and I were on site to photograph your favorite characters in Christmas attire. Here is our picture gallery of […]

The Spectacular Cosplay of Blizzcon 2018 [Picture Gallery]

Since 2005, Blizzard has been holding their very own convention to promote most of its major franchises to the public, and once again, they’re back this year with the 2018 edition of the con! We’ve been posting pictures of cosplayers attending the event for the past few years, and this year, we’d like to thank […]

Dad Turns Son’s Bicycle into Star Destroyer for Halloween [Video]

For this year’s Halloween, Andrew Guy sprent a few months building a Star Destroyer from Star Wars around his son’s bicycle, and I have to say, I’m a bit jealous! I want one too! The costume also has lights and plays the “Imperial March” out of an embedded speaker. Check it out in action below! […]