The Mandalorian Black Series Helmet Replica is Now Available!

Interested in getting your very own Mandalorian armor, or at least, part of it? Since today is Mando Monday, Disney has released the full-scale Black Series electronic prop helmet replica based on Dyn Jarren’s helmet, and I really want one! I already have some Anovos Stormtrooper helmets at home, but their version of Mando’s helmet […]

This Cosplayer is a Real Life Princess Fiona (From Shrek) [Gallery]

I’ve seen planty of cosplayers take the role of Princess Fiona from Shrek, but none as well as Kalinka Fox, which looks absolutely incredible as the character, both pre and post transformation into an ogre. Oh, and here she is as Doris, Cinderella’s ugly stepsister from Shrek 2. [Kalinka Fox]

An Adorable (And Affordable!) Hand-Knit “The Child” Costume for Babies

Since Halloween will be there in just a little over a month, here is a costume idea for all you new parents out there who are also fans of The Mandalorian: A hand-knit “The Child” costume for babies! And the best part? For a hand-knit costume, it’s just a little over $25 on Amazon! The […]

The Amazing Cosplay of Carmen V. Estrada [Gallery]

Sure, there are plenty of cosplayers around the world, but among them, there are a select few who take the art of costuming to the next level. One such cosplayer is Carmen V. Estrada, who I had the chance to meet quite a few times in various conventions in the past years. Not only is […]