Blizzcon 2011 in Pictures [Gallery]

We can probably all agree that cosplayers attending events like SDCC, NYCC or Even MTLCC look really great, but until you’ve seen the costumes from people at Blizzcon, you’ve seen nothing. Many thanks to professional photographer Onigun for giving us permission to post some of his pictures here on [GaS]. I genuinely tried to find […]

Feature: Montreal Comic-Con 2011 in Pictures [Gallery]

As previously mentioned, I was at Comic Con Montreal 2011 last weekend to shoot pictures of costumed people, and while the event wasn’t exactly perfect (I had to wait in line for almost 2 hours to get in, even though I had purchased my ticket online a few days before,) It was still pretty darn […]

Dragon*Con 2011 Cosplay: Day 1 [Gallery]

Yep, another year, another edition of Dragon*Con. As I usually do for big events like this one, I scoured flickr for some of the best CC-Licensed cosplay photography shot during the day and conveniently assembled them in the photo gallery you see below. If you’re currently attending Dragon*Con and wish to share your pictures with […]