San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2012 in Pictures: Day 2 [Gallery]

You’ve already seen the pictures from day one (and if you haven’t, they’re here!), so here are some of the best shots our photographers Hayley Sargent and Bill Watters caught on day 2. We’ve also added a few other cc-licensed pictures from photographer San Diego Shooter on top of these. Enjoy! Edit: Our gallery for […]

San Diego Comic Con 2012 in Pictures – Day 1 [Gallery]

Last year, we scoured flickr to search for creative commons pictures of, as our own Meredith would put it, the Geek Mecca of all geek conventions: San Diego Comic Con. But this year, two amazing photographers have volonteered themselves to hunt the floor of the convention for us: Bill Watters (Bill hasn’t sent us anything […]

San Diego Comic Con 2012 Preview Night

Nerdvana. Geek Mecca. The Place of Hopes and Dreams. San Diego Comic Con. The ultimate pilgrimage for geeks world-wide kicked off last night with a the annual Preview Night, attended by professionals and a few thousand lucky general pass holders. It’s the night where you can get the jump on all the wicked exclusives put […]

FanimeCon 2012 Cosplay in Pictures [Gallery]

[GAS] reader Bill Hinsee (From Bill Hinsee Photography) was at FanimeCon 2012 last weekend and sent me a bunch of pictures of cosplayers attending the event. We picked some of our favorite from Bill’s shots in the picture gallery below. Please note that all these photos were released under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license. Thanks […]