If Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody Was a Wookiee Bounty Hunter [Pic]

Even though the Harry Potter world and Star Wars are totally unrelated, the first thing I thought when I looked at that picture of Snoova, a Wookiee bounty hunter who who was active during the Galactic Civil War was: “geez, that guy looks kind of like Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody.” Yes, I know, shame on me. […]

Fantastic Fire and Ice Cosplay + The Troll Embrace [Pic]

A fantastic reproduction of Teegra and Dark Wolf from the 1983 adventure-fantasy movie Fire and Ice. Models: Tabitha lyons (Teegra) (Like her on Facebook, she’s awesome!) – David French (Dark Wolf) Photographer: Simon Trussell Cosplay/Model/Make over Photography Props and costume: Artyfakes Action-Props And here’s a bonus one I received from Tabitha a while ago but […]