12 Types of People You Find in Urinals [Comic]
Yep, I’ve even seen the “Bold” in a Bar a few years ago. Naturally, the person was totally drunk. [Source: C-Section Comics]
Yep, I’ve even seen the “Bold” in a Bar a few years ago. Naturally, the person was totally drunk. [Source: C-Section Comics]
[Source: Dragonarte | Like Dragonarte on Facebook]
Yep, that’s Skeletor role-playing as He-Man. [Comic by Artist QuadForceFive]
Yep, totally accurate. [Source: Wrong Hands – John Atkinson]
[Source: The Odd 1s Out | Like “The Odd 1s Out” on Facebook]
This absolutely needs to be turned into an animated Christmas movie! :) [Comic by Artist QuadForceFive]
Boom. [Source: sykora171]
Science (and Saturn) disagrees! [Source: Huge Cartoon | Like Huge Cartoons on Facebook | Follow Huge Cartoons on Twitter]
I hate these things. [Source: The Doghouse Diaries]
An unfortunately all too true comic by Jacob Andrews of “For Lack of a Better Comic” for College Humor. Have you ever been in this situation? I know I have… but it was a while ago! For those who are still there, keep hope, it gets better! [Source: College Humor | For Lack of a […]