Hey, Can I Copy Your Answers? [Comic]
[Source: Justin Boyd – Invisible Bread]
[Source: Justin Boyd – Invisible Bread]
I alternate between all three styles, because I’m awesome like that. [Source: The Doghouse Diaries]
Being Rogue from the X-Men seems more like a curse than a blessing. Yes, she can get people’s powers and do some really cool stuff with them, but outside of that, she can never touch anyone. While the best of us geeks can relate to that somewhat, we know it to be a daunting life […]
Yep, totally true, especially when sitting down on the floor for a gaming session that lasts more than 30 minutes. [Source: ChaosLife Comics]
Batman discovers Superman’s true identity thanks to his detective skills… but Superman has other means of doing so with Batman. A comic by Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
Marvel looks to have 2015 locked down pretty hard, movie-wise. Actually, they seem to have the next century planned out, but one of the movies we have to look forward to first is Ant Man. While anything with Paul Rudd has to be a certain amount of awesome, some people do seem to have their doubts. Thankfully, […]
[Source: Seasonal Depression Comics | Like Seasonal Depression on Facebook]
[Source: Fatawesome | Via]
10 years of World of Warcraft, 10 comic panels. To those of you who’ve been playing for the past decade, does this comic reflect reality? Let us know in the comments! Comic by Dark Legacy Comics. [Source: Dark Legacy Comics | Like “Dark Legacy Comics” on Facebook]
[Source: Tubey Toons | Like “Tubey Toons” on Facebook]