Ultron’s Ultimate Weakness [Comic]
[Source: Rick Celis on Deviantart | Like “Rick Celis” on Facebook | Follow “Rick Celis” on Twitter]
[Source: Rick Celis on Deviantart | Like “Rick Celis” on Facebook | Follow “Rick Celis” on Twitter]
You can’t even argue with that. We think we love all this tech, but the truth is, it sort of keeps us as its servants. Funny to think what would evolve if we chose to step away from it all for awhile and just live life again. [Source: AmazingSuperPowers]
[Source: Pie Comic]
Yep, been there, done that. [Source: VG Cats]
[Source: Amazing Super Powers | Like Amazing Super Powers on Facebook | Follow Amazing Super Powers on Twitter]
Things like that happened to me way too often when I was younger, but fortunately, I’m now married to someone who’s as weird as me. [Source: Adam Ellis Comics on Facebook | Follow Adam Ellis on Twitter | Adam Ellis (Official)]
Mario Golf was released in 1999. Ah, the memories! [Source: Blow the Cartridge Comics]
This comic is part of Stephen Byrne’s awesome new web comic, Steve Loves Internet. There’s already a few comic strips from the series over at Stephen’s website, so I invite you all to go and check ’em all out! [Source: Steve Loves Internet]
[Source: Dragonarte | Like Dragonarte on Facebook | Via GU]
Yep, that’s exactly how my oldest son reacts, but somehow, the younger one can play with his toys for hours while completely ignoring video games or the TV set. [Source: The GamerCat]