Love Wins; Robin Loses [Comic]
[Source: Batman V Superman (Tumblr) | Follow @batsVsupes on Twitter | Like “Bats V Supes” on Facebook]
[Source: Batman V Superman (Tumblr) | Follow @batsVsupes on Twitter | Like “Bats V Supes” on Facebook]
Unfortunately, this is frighteningly true. [Source: The Doghouse diaries | Like “The Doghouse Diaries” on Facebook]
[Source: Jake Clark]
So who we have known as the Incredible Hulk since we first saw the lumbering beast is getting a name overhaul. Well, more like a title overhaul. I have to warn you, though. It seems a bit strange and about fifteen years behind the times. ย So, um, Marvel decided to re-brand the Incredible Hulk into […]
[Source: SupaCrikeyDave]
We all like Chris Pine. Most of us like Green Lantern. So if you put these two things together, you might just come out on the other end with something people like. After that last Green Lantern film, they could probably cast a phone book as Hal Jordan and it would still be a better […]
We all knew this news was inevitable. They are not just going to cast a new Batman and Joker and then put them into side movies (Suicide Squad, Dawn of Justice). We all figured this was the start of a new Batman franchise. What might make the news upsetting to some who have been against […]
Note: If you’re reading this from the front page of the site, be sure to “click” on the comic to start the animation! [Source: Art-stuff of Powersimon! | Via]
[Source: Comics by Kotor]
In honor of the release of Jurassic World, artist Laura Cooper re-imagined various Disney Princesses as raptors. This is my collection of Disney Princesses as raptors. In honor of the movie Jurassic World, I decided to illustrate some raptors the way I feel they should be portrayed; as princesses. In the words of my self, […]