He’s Watching You [Comic]
[Source: Dragonarte | Like Dragonarte on Facebook]
[Source: Dragonarte | Like Dragonarte on Facebook]
So that’s where all this water is coming from! [Source: “Bart Noble – Perfectly Normal Drawings” on Facebook | Bart Noble – Official Site]
Such respect! [Source: Berds And Nerds | Like “Berds And Nerds” on Facebook | Follow “Berds And Nerds” on Twitter]
[Source: A COMIK | Like “A Comik / Cannibal Comic” on Facebook]
A clever comic poking fun at Volkswagen’s Dieselgate scandal by the always entertaining Commitstrip. [Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
Happens to me all the time. Sigh. [Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
“Hetfield the Cat” is a new Comic by artist Jimmy Two Hands that mashes up Garfield and Metallica, and I have to say, the result is quite amusing. [Source: Hetfield]
[Source: Cheer Up, Emo Kid | Like “Cheer Up, Emo Kid” on Facebook | Follow “Cheer Up, Emo Kid” on Twitter]
Artist Alexis Solis has put together this bizarrely compelling collection of pictures that reveal the unlikely secret identities of iconic characters. Check out the full gallery at Alex’s website. [Via: LikeCOOL]
Pure Costumes has put together this collection of some of the weirdest variations of Spider Man over the years. Check out the Pure Costumes blog for more details on each incarnation.