Every Bullet is Sacred [Comic]
[Source: Awkward Zombie | Like “Awkward Zombie” on Facebook]
[Source: Awkward Zombie | Like “Awkward Zombie” on Facebook]
The always awesome and very talented Kery Callen decided to finally put an end to the whole Batman vs. Superman debate by doing something very, ahem, logical: For decades, fans have argued who is the better superhero, Superman or Batman. It recently occurred to me that the best way to determine this is to see […]
Artist Byron Mosley takes a look at the “grey area” of stories with this comic strip that explores where an organization such as Hydra might get their stooges. No one is entirely good or bad after all, we’re all shades of grey in the end. [Source: Byron Mosley Comics]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
[Source: Comic by Chris Hallbeck / Maximumble]
[Source: Jay Fosgitt on Twitter | Jay Fosgitt (Official Site)]
With New York Comic Con happening next weekend, Julia Lepetit from Dorkly takes a look at how to become the worst person ever at conventions. [Source: Dorkly]
Yep, that’s totally me. Sigh. [Source: It’s The Tie Comics | Like “It’s the Tie” on Facebook]
[Source: It’s The Tie Comics | Like “It’s the Tie” on Facebook]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]