Dorkly Comic: Finding Out That Game You Wanted Got Pushed Back
Julia Lepetit from Dorkly takes a look at what truly happens when a game that you’ve been waiting after for a long time gets pushed back. [Source: Dorkly]
Julia Lepetit from Dorkly takes a look at what truly happens when a game that you’ve been waiting after for a long time gets pushed back. [Source: Dorkly]
[Source: Optipess Comics | Like Optipess on Facebook | Follow Optipess on Twitter]
A beautiful story by artist Joshua Wright! [Source: Joshua Wright on Tumblr | Joshua Wright (Official) | Follow Joshua Wright on Twitter]
[Source: Is It Canon by @RockPaperCynic and @BigSimpleComics]
[Source: The Very Near Future | Follow “The Very Near Future” on Twitter]
[Source: Batman V Superman (Tumblr) | Follow @batsVsupes on Twitter | Like “Bats V Supes” on Facebook]
[Source: A COMIK | Like “A Comik / Cannibal Comic” on Facebook]
[Source: Toonhole | Like Toonhole on Facebook | Follow Toonhole on Twitter]
The show can almost be resumed at 100% with this fun chart. Brilliant, isn’t it? Annoying king dies from poison. Yep, totally works. [Source: John Atkinson – Wrong Hands]
[Source: Things in Squares Comics | Like “Things in Squares” on Facebook]