Existentialism [Comic]
Oh, and for those who are wondering, coleslaw.com is a parked domain. That’s kind of sad. [Source: John Atkinson โ Wrong Hands]
Oh, and for those who are wondering, coleslaw.com is a parked domain. That’s kind of sad. [Source: John Atkinson โ Wrong Hands]
For those who don’t get it, the comic is a reference to this event: Edison Fries an Elephant to Prove His Point. Hoewever, many sources seem to indicate that Thomas Edison was not involved with the electrocution of the elephant. [Source: Wooden Plank Studios | Via Neatorama]
[Source: Thor’s Thungershack | Like “Thor’s Thungershack” on Facebook | Follow “Thor’s Thungershack” on Twitter]
[Source: Pickled Comics | Like “Pickled Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Pickled Comics” on Twitter]
[Source: Is It Canon by @RockPaperCynic and @BigSimpleComics]
[Source: Dragonarte | Like Dragonarte on Facebook]
Artist Caldwell Tanner from College Humor ranks people’s creepiness according to the pet they own. [Source: Caldwell Tanner from CollegeHumor]
[Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Like Poorly Drawn Lines on Facebook | Follow Poorly Drawn Lines on Twitter]
[Source: For Lack of a Better Comic | Like For Lack of a Better Comic on Facebook | Follow For Lack of a Better Comic on Twitter]
In this comic from Dorkly, @JHallComics takes a look at some of the differences between computer hacking as its depicted in movies vs. in real life. [Source: Dorkly]