Realistic [Comic]
[Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Like Poorly Drawn Lines on Facebook | Follow Poorly Drawn Lines on Twitter]
[Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Like Poorly Drawn Lines on Facebook | Follow Poorly Drawn Lines on Twitter]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
Comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
[Source: Gone into Rapture | Like “Gone into Rapture” on Facebook | Follow “Gone into Rapture” on Twitter]
A fantastic illutration by Fajareka Setiawan picturing a young X-23 in a Wolverine inspired costume. I also like the fact that the artist inspired himself from actress Dafne Keen to create the piece! [Source: Freelance Illustration and Concept Artist Fajareka Setiawan]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
A comic by Grant Snider of Incidental Comics. [Source: INCIDENTAL COMICS]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]
[Source: Randy Otter | Like “Randy Otter” on Facebook]
[Source: C-Section Comics | Like “C-Section Comics” on Facebook | Follow “C-Section Comics” on Twitter]