The Literal Genie [Comic]
[Source: Skeleton Claw | Like “Skeleton Claw” on Facebook | Follow “Skeleton Claw” on Twitter]
[Source: Skeleton Claw | Like “Skeleton Claw” on Facebook | Follow “Skeleton Claw” on Twitter]
[Source: NHOJ Comics | Like NHOJ on Facebook | Follow NHOJ on Twitter]
[Source: Jake Likes Onions | Like “Jake Likes Onion” on Facebook | Follow “Jake Likes Onions” on Twitter | Follow “Jake Likes Onion” on Instagram]
For the upcoming Halloween, Artist Liz Climo drew a bunch of funny comics featuring animals dressing up in their favorite costumes. Be sure to visit Liz’s Tumblr blog for other awesome comics! [Liz Climo | Via GG | Like “Liz Climo” on Facebook | Follow “Liz Climo” on Twitter]
[Source: A COMIK | Follow A COMIK on Twitter]”>A COMIK | Follow A COMIK on Twitter]
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
In this comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly, the artist takes a look at the six stages of a tough boss battle, from the initial meeting to the part when you abandon all hope and decide to check out a stragegy guide. [Source: Dorkly]
[Source: War and Peas Comics | Like “War and Peas Comics” on Facebook | Follow “War and Peas Comics” on Twitter]
[Source: Rustled Jimmies Comics | Follow “Rustled Jimmies Comics” on Instagram]
This is brilliant. A fantastic comic by artist Luke Pearson. [Source: MumblingIdiot (Luke Pearson) on Instagram | Luke Pearson on Tumblr | Luke Pearson on Twitter]