Arm Wrestling [Comic]
Yep, God is in trouble! [Source: @cactusfacecomics]
Yep, God is in trouble! [Source: @cactusfacecomics]
As pictured in this comic from @that_doodleguy, we all have that one friend who never takes anything seriously. [Source: @that_doodleguy]
I’m pretty sure John Carpenter would approve! [Source: @portuguesegeese]
Since summer is almost upon us, here are a few pieces of feline advice for those hot summer days! [Source: @sephko]
Edward Scissorhands is such a crybaby. I don’t know who that other guy is, but I’m pretty sure he’ll win. After all, there’s a reason why rock beats scissors. [Source: @sephko]
Better be careful about what comes out of your mouth, especially around your kids! [Source: Toonhole | Like Toonhole on Facebook | Follow Toonhole on Twitter]
[Source: Port Sherry Comics | Like “Port Sherry Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Port Sherry Comics” on Instragram]
[Source: @theimmortalthinktank]
There is nothing more annoying than when you are gaming online with a bunch of kids, especially when they are better than you! [Source: @alzwards_corner]
The exact reason why pirates love parrots so much! [Source: @bowl_of_beans_]