The Moment [Comic]
[Source: Sanesparza on Instagram | Like “Sanesparza” on Facebook]
[Source: Sanesparza on Instagram | Like “Sanesparza” on Facebook]
[Source: Deathbulge Comics | Like Deathbulge on Facebook | Follow Deathbulge on Twitter]
In this comic by Andy Kluthe and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly, the artists take a look at the real and biggest problem behind Thanos’ plan. [Source: Dorkly]
[Source: PortugueseGeese Comics on FB | PortugueseGeese (Official)]
[Source: Sanesparza on Instagram | Like “Sanesparza” on Facebook]
[Source: Quadrinhorama | Dragoes de Garagem | English Version: Comicorama on Tumblr | Via Reddit]
[Source: James of No Trades Comics | Follow “James of No Trades” on Instragram | Follow “James of No Trades” on Twitter]
[Source: It’s The Tie Comics | Like “It’s the Tie” on Facebook | Follow “It’s The Tie” on Twitter]
[Source: Tony ESP on Facebook | Tony ESP on Twitter | Tony ESP on Instagram]
[Source: The Jenkins Comics]