The Box [Comic]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook | Follow The Awkward Yeti on Twitter]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook | Follow The Awkward Yeti on Twitter]
[Source: Goat to Self Comics | Goat to Self Comics on Instagram | Like “Goat to Self” on Facebook]
I can’t believe this happened! When your gut tells you something, it might not be the best idea to listen to it. Use your brain first, it’s the only logical thing to do, even though your gut ia sometimes right. A comic by cartoonist Nick Seluk of The Awkward Yeti. If you like what Nick […]
[Source: Tommy Siegel on Instagram]
[Source: Cyanide and Happiness]
For those not aware, the new Civilization game came out last week, and I’m doing everything I can to keep it away from my life. If I start playing, I’ll be just like a mindless drone for the next few weeks. From Mart Virkus: Having sunk half my teenage years into the Civ series, I […]
[Source: joncomics: crappy art with heart]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
[Source: floccinaucinihilipilification | floccinaucinihilipilification on Facebook | floccinaucinihilipilification on Instagram]
Well, I’m not sure I’d let him stay in human form either, even though letting him transform back into dog form might be considered cruel and selfish. The worst is when you cat or dog sits incognito in the corner of a room looking at you and your significant other while you are engaged in […]