Words are Weird [Comic]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
[Source: War and Peas Comics | Like “War and Peas Comics” on Facebook | Follow “War and Peas Comics” on Twitter]
[Source: Texts from Superheroes | Follow Texts from Superheroes on Twitter | Like Texts from Superheroes on Facebook]
[Source: Clueless Hero | Like “Clueless Hero” on Facebook]
[Source: Noitego Comics]
[Source: System32 Comics on Facebook | System32 Comics on Instagram | System32 Comics on Twitter]
[Source @Seanyboydraws on Instagram]
Oh how much we have evolved since the 80s-90s! I pretty much looked like that kid back when I was in high school, and I had to wait until College to get my first girlfriend. Not that I looked too bad, I was just socially awkward, and most of my friends were like me. But […]
I don’t disagree with the punchline, but…I think I would totally watch this. Does that make me a bad person? [Source: Izra-Art | via I Waste So Much Time]