Oh, Honey, I’m At Your Disposal, Honey [Comic]
[Source: George Alexopoulos from Studionj.com
[Source: George Alexopoulos from Studionj.com
[Source: The Art of Matthew J Wills | Like “Matthew J Wills” on Facebook | Follow “Matthew J Wills” on Twitter]
[Cookedcartoons on Instagram | Cookedcartoons on Facebook]
[Via TMP]
[Source: Nedroid]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]
[Source: Deep Dark Fears]
[Source: System32 Comics on Facebook | System32 Comics on Instagram | System32 Comics on Twitter]
[Source: The Art of Matthew J Wills | Like “Matthew J Wills” on Facebook | Follow “Matthew J Wills” on Twitter]
I had a knock-off Tamagotchi. I OBSESSIVELY took care of it and it DIED during the FIVE MINUTES I went to go get a snack from the kitchen!!! But I’m totes over it. [Source: Phuzzy Comics / Via Ktshy]