Are You Sure You Know Where You Are Going Santa? [Comic]
[Source: System32 Comics on Facebook | System32 Comics on Instagram | System32 Comics on Twitter]
[Source: System32 Comics on Facebook | System32 Comics on Instagram | System32 Comics on Twitter]
[Source: The Art of Matthew J Wills | Like “Matthew J Wills” on Facebook | Follow “Matthew J Wills” on Twitter]
I had a knock-off Tamagotchi. I OBSESSIVELY took care of it and it DIED during the FIVE MINUTES I went to go get a snack from the kitchen!!! But I’m totes over it. [Source: Phuzzy Comics / Via Ktshy]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]
[Source: Owl Turd Comic | Like “Owl Turd Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Owl Turd Comic” on Twitter]
[Source: It’s The Tie Comics | Like “It’s the Tie” on Facebook | Follow “It’s The Tie” on Twitter]
That would be an amazing movie! I’d totally go see something like this! [Source: Onac911]
[Source: Things in Squares Comics | Like “Things in Squares” on Facebook]
[Source: Raph Comic | Like ” Raph Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Raph Comic” on Twitter]
In this comic, Tristan Cooper from Dorkly takes a look at why it would suck to be a summonable character inside an RPG. [Source: Dorkly]