My Brain is a Jerk [Comic]
[Source: @eirinnske_comics on Instagram]
[Source: @eirinnske_comics on Instagram]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
An awesome series of comics with weird and unexpected endings by artist @tangyauhoong.
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
[Elder Cactus + Dogmo]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
[Source: @ari_stocrate on Instagram]
A fantastic comic by Pet Foolery that illustrates why cats are superior to dogs. I just discovered this artist on Instagram and I just LOVE what he does! [Source: @pet_foolery on Instagram]
[Source: @alexmdc on Instagram]