Filed under M for Murder [Comic]
[Source: @ordinaryhaircut]
[Source: @ordinaryhaircut]
Nothing beats Star Wars when you need to explain something totally unrelated to a geek. Case in point, This XKCD comic by Randall Munroe showing how the new Covid-19 mRNA vaccines (Pfizer or Moderna) work. Behold: Seriously geeks, this might be the best explanation of how mRNA Vaccines work I have ever seen. Not only […]
[Soure: @strangetrek]
[Source: @dailyobstruction]
[Source: @lastplacecomics]
[Source: @sveninframes]
[Source: @theycantalkcomics]
[Source: @elise_gravel]
[Source: @lastplacecomics]
Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Ben Zaehringer (@berkeleymews) [Source: @berkeleymews]