We value your ideas, they said [Comic]
[Source: @_workchronicles]
[Source: @_workchronicles]
Posted by Mark Hamill yesterday on Twitter! [Via Mark Hamill on Twitter]
[Source: Port Sherry Comics | Like “Port Sherry Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Port Sherry Comics” on Instragram]
I don’t know about you guys, but back when I was studying to be a history teacher, professors used to do that all the time, and I hated them for it! Those books used to cost a small fortune! [Source: @gigglrtv]
[Source: @butajape]
[Source: @townytowncomics]
Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Ben Zaehringer (@berkeleymews) [Source: @berkeleymews]
[Source: @mildnihilist]
[Source: @butajape]
[Source: @inkyrickshaw]