Damn [Comic]
[Source: @eastcoastitnotes]
[Source: @eastcoastitnotes]
Ottawa, Canada-based comic artist Spencer Moreland from A COMIK takes a look at the rather frustrating trend that film studios have these days of revealing just too much in the various teasers, trailers, and tv spots that we see on the Internet months before the actual release of a movie. The best thing would be […]
[Source: @toothy.bj]
[Source: @mrlovenstein]
[Source: @exocomics]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook]
Cats and dogs in a nutshell. [Source: “Things in Squares” on Facebook]
[Source: @toothy.bj]
[Source: “The Meerkatguy” on Facebook]
[Source: Like “Invisible Bread” on Facebook | Follow “Invisible Bread” on Twitter]