Welcome to the Club, Kratos [Comic]
[Source: @Idiotoftheeast]
[Source: @Idiotoftheeast]
[Source: @biggbirb]
For those who do not know, Emperor “Caligula” was not his real name. His actual name was Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. From History.com: Think of it as the ancient equivalent of miniature Nikes and tuxedo-imprinted onesies: Even in Roman times, parents liked to proudly dress their progeny in tiny versions of grownup gear. And […]
[Source: @nrwr_comic]
[Source: @Davecontra]
[Source: @skeleton_claw]
[Source: @eastcoastitnotes]
[Source: @martin_rosner]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
[Source: Jim Benton on Tumblr | jimbentonshots on Instagram | Like “Jim Benton” on Facebook | Follow “Jim Benton” on Twitter]