You can slow down [Comic]
[Source: @needle.wig]
[Source: @needle.wig]
[Source: @skeleton_claw]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook]
[Source: Fowl Language | Fowl Language on Facebook]
Yep, that makes total sense. The only thing missing from that chart is a half-dressed man and a fully clothed lady. [Via GU | Doombiscuit | stareattheart]
[Source: @enzocomics]
Yep, that totally makes sense. [Source: Tubey Toons Comics | Like Tubey Toons on Facebook | Follow Tubey Toons on Twitter]
A fantastic comic by Australian artist Ria Rosa based on the recent video featuring Stephen Colbert interviewing Smaug. [Source: Ria Rosa – Only Fools Rush In | Ria Rosa on]
I’d just like to point out that this makes us human male look very bad, but we’re not all like that! :) [Source: Seasonal Depression Comics | Via GeekxGirls]
[Source: @enzocomics]