LOL: Darth Vader Wins BIG [Comic]
[Source: Dorkly]
[Source: Dorkly]
People who reply ‘K’ to a message are just too lazy to write potassium. [Source: Twaggies]
Oh the irony… [Source: Brian @ Shoeboxblog]
[Souce: Pleated-Jeans]
“Hulk Smashes the Kardashians Kardashiens” by Redditor Greenconverse11’s 10-year-old son. [Source]
[Source: Virtual Shackles]
[Source: Chuck & Beans @ Shoeboxblog]
Saying ‘what kind of an idiot doesn’t know about the Yellowstone supervolcano’ is so much more boring than telling someone about the Yellowstone supervolcano for the first time. [Source: XKCD (CC)]
Frequent readers will notice that I post Brian Gordon’s Chuck and Beans webcomic fairly regularly. Well geeks, as it happens, Chuck and Beans is pretty much my favorite webcomic, and even though we often feature Brian’s strips on GAS, the site where his comics are originally posted could stand to get a little more love. […]
[Source: Pleated Jeans]