Reading Motivational Quotes Online
Hmmm, strangely, this looks a little familiar. Sigh. [Source: Formal Sweatpants]
Hmmm, strangely, this looks a little familiar. Sigh. [Source: Formal Sweatpants]
The part about the phone slipping from your hand actually happened to me a few days ago with my new Galaxy S3. Fortunately for me, nothing happened to it, not even a scratch. [Source: Caldwell Tanner for College Humor]
[Source: loadingartist]
[Via IHC]
[Source: For Lack of a Better Comic]
I’m a faithful DragonCon attendee and securing a hotel room for that annual September convention is equivalent to road rage on a gridlocked interstate. I can’t even imagine how much worse it is for San Diego Comic-Con… [Source: The Gutters]
Comic by ANDY KLUTHE and ANDREW BRIDGMAN from Dorkly. img src=”” alt=”gamer-sutra” width=”590″ height=”2524″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-109273″ /> [Source: Dorkly]
Onezumi created this comic to juxtapose how many fans of Marvel were upset by its purchase by Disney versus the positive result (so far) the Mouse House has had on the comics company. Wonder how Onezumi will feel about the Disney-Star Wars purchase, though, once all the movies and spin-offs start… [Source: Onezumi]
I would give MY right hand to see an Star Wars-Army of Darkness hybrid movie! [Via Blue Milk Special]
An amusing look by Caldwell Tanner from College Humor at how things have changed for us since childhood. [Source: College Humor]