Beard Facts
[Source: The Doghouse Diaries]
[Source: The Doghouse Diaries]
It’s commonly believed that Lorentz contraction makes objects appear flatter along the direction of travel. However, this ignores light travel times. In fact, a fast-moving butt would appear rotated toward the observer but not substantially distorted. Shakira was right. [Source: XKCD]
Best explanation ever: Take the fifty most murderous, duplicitous, treacherous, and violent people in the world…Now, put them in a room with one seat and make them play musical chairs to the death. [Source: Basic Instructions | Via]
A comic by Anna-Maria Jung and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
I’m a mix between the stomach sleeper and the pillow-armer, which often causes me to lose all feeling in my hands/arms in the middle of the night. When I wake up, I then try to lift the affected arm up, only to have it fall down on my face in the process. My wife seems […]
As a female, I sometimes feel this way about fantasy, especially. Thoughts, Ladies? (**Mature subject matter**) [Source: Oglaf (Nsfw link)]
Though the CGC gave it an “NG” (No Grade) rating, this single page — from Batman #1, 1940 — sold for $660 on eBay, as it was the very first appearance of The Joker! [via Bleeding Cool]
What if The Avengers were real? What if Whedon’s film wasn’t make-believe at all, but a documentary? Artist Kim McG had that thought and wondered what some real-life magazines would say regarding America’s Newest Heroes. [via BuzzFeed]
Max Landis wrote the 2012 superhero film Chronicle. He is also responsible for the “The Death and Return of Superman” YouTube video, which has garnered over 2.3 million hits. If you’re familiar with the aforementioned video, then you know Landis loves Supes. LOVES. And while he completely lays into the new Man of Steel flick, […]
[Source: Unearted Comics]