Dorkly Comic: The Glories of Next Gen Consoles
Yep, I replaced my PS3 with a PS4, and so far, this comic totally represents the reality. WATCH_DOGS Y U NO OUT YET! [Source: Dorkly]
Yep, I replaced my PS3 with a PS4, and so far, this comic totally represents the reality. WATCH_DOGS Y U NO OUT YET! [Source: Dorkly]
Comic book artist and illustrator Dean Trippe is a victim of childhood sexual abuse. In his “Something Terrible” web comic, he addresses the fear, depression, alienation, and hopelessness he felt for decades and the way a certain comic book character inspired him not only to keep drawing, but to fight and become strong — literally […]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Via Neatorama]
A comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Source: JULIA LEPETIT AND ANDREW BRIDGMAN – DORKLY]
Writer G. Willow Wilson is helming the next generation of Ms. Marvel comics and young Kamala Khan will take over for Carol Danvers. Khan is a Pakistani teenage girl living in New Jersey, and she and her family are Muslims. She’s also a fangirl. Khan is a member of the Carol Corps., a “a real-life […]
Conclusion: Toddlers = Zombies. I should know, I engendered three of those. ;) [Source: Chaos Life | Via Neatorama]
[Source: Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman –]
[Source: Minimumble | Via CB]
Yep, that about sums it up. [Source: Sara Zimmerman – Unearthed Comics | Unearthed Comics: Unearthing Science Kickstarter]
[Source: According to Devin | According to Devin on Facebook | Via Dueling Analogs]