Girls that Play Video Games [Comic]
[Source: Explosm]
[Source: Explosm]
An awesome comic by the amazingly talented Croatian artist stjepan sejic, aka Nebezial on [Source: Nebezial on | Via GT]
All too true, case in point, I’m working this morning. Sigh. THanks PHD Comics! [Source: PHD Comics]
Two awesome comics from artist Mike Maihack featuring Batgirl and Supergirl for Christmas! [Source: Mike Maihack | Via IO9]
Truer words were never spoken… [Source: Fowl Language | Like Fowl Language on Facebook]
A new take on the “12 Days of Christmas” by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Source: Julia Lepetit – Dorkly | Via NA]
A great comic by Pablo Stanley taking a look at some of the things we geeks do to celebrate Christmas! I’ve included the first part of the comic above, but if you’re on the front page, you’ll have to hit the “read more” link below for the rest (The comic is huge!)
[Source: Sara Zimmerman – Unearthed Comics]
Yep, the Disney-fication begins. And if I’m perfectly honest, it’s actually kinda hilariously adorable to see our favorite Marvel superheroes depicted as cute furry animals. In celebration of the All-New Marvel NOW! Launch, a whole series of alternate covers are being released. And they feature our beloved Marvel characters as animals. I’ll spare you the […]
Awww! Martin is so generous! (Dorkly comic by Anna-Maria Jung and Andrew Bridgman)