Placebo Effective [Comic]
Yes, it exists: [Source: Mr. Lovenstein | Via Dueling Analogs]
Yes, it exists: [Source: Mr. Lovenstein | Via Dueling Analogs]
I remember, and things were oh so much simpler back then… but that was probably because I was a kid, not because there was no Internet. And when we were bored, my stay-at-home Mom just kicked us out of the house for the whole day and told us not to come back before diner/supper time. […]
[Source: Success Burger]
Getting a new game can be just like hooking up. Don’t believe us? Just check out this amusing comic by Andy Kluthe and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly, you’ll see. [Source: Dorkly]
Yep, that looks about right to me! [Source: The Joy of Tech]
[Source: Happy Jar | Via]
[Source: Fowl Language | Like Fowl Language on Facebook]
[Source: Dragonart | Dragonart on Facebook]
A new and and probably very true comic by Tony Wilson and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly. What are YOUR predictions for the new season of Game of Thrones? Let us know in the comments below!
And that’s how aliens crushed all traces of human resistance. [Source: ButterSafe]