Did You Know Humans Only Use 10% of their Pancreas? [Comic]
Some say we only use 10% of our brain (You know it’s a myth, right?) so why not 10% of our pancreas? [Source: John McNamee – Pie Comic]
Some say we only use 10% of our brain (You know it’s a myth, right?) so why not 10% of our pancreas? [Source: John McNamee – Pie Comic]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
[Source: Hejibits]
The same thing happens when you finish a good book/book series, which reminds me, I have to start the two series and the few standalone books featuring David Edding’s Belgarion/Belgarath/Polgara again. [Source: Endless Origami]
Yep, owning a computer is just like owning a dog. Another great comic by Tony Wilson from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
[Source: NHOJ: Adventures in Drawing Comics | Like NHOJ on Facebook | Follow NHOJ on Twitter]
[Source: NHOJ: Adventures in Drawing Comics | Like NHOJ on Facebook | Follow NHOJ on Twitter]
[Source: Owlturd | Like Owlturd Comics on Facebook | Via Dueling Analogs]
Unfortunately, your subjects are often in open revolt, but hey, you’re the king of something after all! [Source: Toothpaste for Dinner | Via Neatorama]
I hate it when that happens. *Nerd rage* [Source: Deathbulge Comics | Like Deathbulge on Facebook | Follow Deathbulge on Twitter]