Dorkly Comic: If Comic Creators Could See Their Characters Now
If comic creators could see their characters now, a comic by Tony Wilson from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
If comic creators could see their characters now, a comic by Tony Wilson from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
[Comic by: The John Su | Like The John Su on Facebook | Via]
People who give out full-sized candy bars quickly become legendary in small towns. There’s a few very generous folks in my neighborhood that does it, and people come from all over the place by car just for those few houses. Jim Benton is an amazing cartoonist and if you like what he’s doing, he has […]
[Source: Fowl Language | Fowl Language on Facebook]
Yep, that pretty much sums it up. [Via Memebase]
Truer words have never been written. Comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Dorkly]
A fantastic Comic by Cutbu, part of his “10th Dimension Boys” series of comics. If you like what he does you can check out some of his other comics on, like him on Facebook, and follow him on twitter. [10th Dimension Boys” Comics]
[Source: A Zillion Dollars Comics | Like A Zillion Dollars Comics on Facebook]
[Reddit – bitfiend]
[Source: John Atkinson – Wrong Hands | Like Wrong Hands on Facebook]