Oprah to Tweet on Friday’s Show

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] What’s the big news that Evan Williams, CEO of Twitter, hinted at earlier today?  Oprah Winfrey will tweet for the first time on tomorrow’s Oprah show, which will feature famed tweeter Ashton Kutcher.  Her account is already active, and as of this writing she has 32,607 followers – […]

The Inauguration – Digital Style

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Since the last national swearing-in ceremony, America has become a much more net-centric country.  Obama’s inauguration was not only watched by a large portion of the US, but by millions (perhaps billions?) in countries all over the world.  For this reason, the people on the scene wielding the tech were […]

Let Historical Tweets Take You Back in Time!

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Don’t worry, this isn’t some archival service that will tell you what some user said two years ago.  Historical Tweets is a blog that displays one historically important (and ficticious) tweet every day!  According to the site:  “Books have been ruining history. So many unnecessary words.  Now, with Historical Tweets, history’s most […]

2008 Weblog Awards – [GAS] Nominated as best tech blog!

To our surprise (and very appreciative amazement!), some kind soul has nominated GAS for the 2008 weblog award. Best of all, [GAS] was selected as one of the top 10 best tech blogs for this year’s edition. Unfortunately, there can only be one grand winner, and we’re running up against some very stiff competition. If […]

Did You Survive The War of the Worlds 2.0? #wotw2

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you were on Twitter yesterday, you might have noticed a flood of tweets with a mysterious “#wotw2” code in them.  Well that was a “hash tag” or “hash code” you were seeing there and those tweets were completely fictional. The fake tweets were all on account of War […]

Let Current, Twitter, and Digg Guide Your Election Night Antics

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve been following the election recently and happen to be a geek, odds are you get a bit of your news coverage from social networks.  Well on November 4th, two of those networks, Digg and Twitter, will be coming together on Current TV to bring you an election […]

An Ethnographer Takes a Look at the Digital Culture

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve got a little time to kill (over 55 minutes, actually), take a look at this great video by an ethnographer about the web’s participatory nature.  What is ethnography you ask? Well, as explained to me by someone in an actual ethnography course, it’s the study of a […]