Operation “Silence Cyxymu” Crushes Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal

Twitter went offline today due to a Distributed Denial of Service attack.  There were reports that other sites were impacted too, but service was only mildly affected. Here is a snapshot of the dropoff in traffic to Twitter according to Arbor Networks: The below graph shows Observatory data from 55 providers around the world to […]

Who Needs Business Cards When You’ve Got Card.ly?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Need a quick way to share your important deets without a lot of lengthy links?  Having trouble printing up business cards because you don’t know what URLs to include?  Card.ly provides an interesting solution. Card.ly allows you to quickly sign up and grab a unique “card.ly/username” address that […]

[GAS] Explains: Music Royalties for Dummies

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Considering how much “education” about music and copyright is out there (“downloading music is stealing!” ads and the like), most people have no idea how it actually works in terms of who owns what and who should get money from what kind of use. And lately, with issues like […]

Google Makes Creative Commons That Much More Easy

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve ever written a blog post or made a website, one of the most onerous tasks is finding good graphics without copy protection.  Text-only content is generally frowned upon because the increased popularity of the internet has somewhat “raised the bar” for the average blogger.  Readers expect […]

Check Out “Sorry I’m Late” for a Grin

Look at this nifty little stop animation of a guy working furiously to get somewhere. It’s called “Sorry I’m Late” by Thomas Mankovsky.  They used the floor of an auditorium (or maybe a church?) to make it appear that the hapless chap was walking across a wide range of obstacles.  You can find the “making […]

Twitter: the Choice for God, Guns and Grandmas

If you thought Twitter was exclusively home to tech-savvy college kids, think again. Reports show the micro-blogging service has some unusual uses among churchgoers and the military, while the site’s growth may in fact be driven by older users. MSNBC reports on a church in San Antonio where the congregation are not only encouraged to […]

Blogs & the Life of Journalism: Welcome to the Jungle

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Query: What separates man from ape? Perhaps the same thing that separates journalist from blogger. In his 2007 book The Cult of the Amateur, Andrew Keen analogized T.H. Huxley’s “infinite monkey theorem” to the rise of Web 2.0. If you provide infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters, one of them […]

Betweeted Brings Ads to Twitter Without Spamming

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Twitter has been a monetization puzzle for many because it possesses enormous popularity and “mindshare” among the internet savvy, but does not present any straightforward way to make money.  Attempts have been made to market through tweets or through the background wallpapers, but neither of these have been very […]