A Social Network Designed To Help Fight Depression

One big problem right now with social media is the fact that many of us use it and end up being depressed because we compare our lives to the inaccurate lives we see show up in our feeds. So what if someone became aware of that problem and wanted to create a social network that […]

6 Reasons Nerd Culture Needs To Take a Good, Long Look at Itself

From Gamergate to the toxicity of our game heroes, Topless Robot has some interesting thoughts on why nerd culture may need to step back and take a good, long look at itself if it intends to evolve as a movement. The last half year has not been the brightest hour for nerds and nerd culture. […]

GRASSROOTS GEEKS: How Two Podcasting Dads Fan-Funded Their Own Horror Convention [Interview]

Have you ever wondered what goes into a organizing a convention, let alone starting a brand new one, all on your own? Eric Nordhoff and James Frazier, two dads from Nashville, Tennessee, bonded over “Lost” and decided to launch a podcast based on another: “The Walking Dead.” After a feeble start, their “Walker Stalkers” podcast […]

Costumes Are Not Consent: Combating Cosplayer Harassment

Costumes are not consent. It’s a phrase you may be hearing a lot lately, and one we need to keep talking about. In the past few weeks, the internet has exploded with women speaking up about the treatment we receive at conventions and online. This isn’t a new problem that has suddenly presented itself. The […]

Gungan Style…or is it?

So…this starts off as a way-too-late Star Wars parody of Gangnam Style and then…well, becomes something that is just a little horrifying from the perspective of a professional blogger. Though, perhaps, rather amusing to everyone else. In a dark way. *considers doing something more inline with the goals I had when I was seven* Ooh […]

The Pokeymans Project: Pokemon Drawn By A Person Who’s Never Seen Them

You probably already know Noelle Stevenson, whose Broship of the Rings made the interwebz a better place last year. Now she’s drawing Pokemon… but she’s never even seen most of them. So, uh, how does that work? Stevenson explains: “I’m having Pokemon described to me by intoxicated art students while we watch RuPaul’s Drag Race, […]