Apple To Offer Music, Magazine & Video Bundle

Apple is said to be considering an all-in-one subscription for its music, news/magazine and TV services. It may be a way to get customers over the initial hurdle of subscribing to yet another online video service. The plan, reported at The Information, is to still have the various services available for individual subscriptions, but also […]

Apple Offers Free Repair For Sticky MacBook Keys

Apple has confirmed its thinner keyboard design for recent MacBooks is indeed more prone to breaking. It’s offering free repairs, though that could mean being without the computer for some time. The problem is with the “butterfly” switch design introduced to MacBooks and Macbook Pros in 2015. They have a v-shaped switch mechanism where the […]

Apple Adds ‘Download Your Data’ Tool

Apple has launched a one-stop shop to download all the data it has stored about you. It’s European-only but will be available worldwide at some point. The “Data and Privacy portal” covers 11 categories of information including Apple ID accounts, game center activity, iCloud contacts and calendars and even activity in retail stores. Users can […]