A Keyboard… How Quaint

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] CNET News reports that this week’s ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology could reveal some interesting new developments in the area of computer interfaces. But is it time to abandon the mouse and keyboard for Star Trek levels of speech input technology? Maybe not just yet. According […]

Apple Releases 2 New “Get a Mac” Commercials

Apple just released another batch of their “Windows-Bashing” commercials. They’re somehow trying to pass the message that Microsoft spends much more money on advertising than they do on fixing real issues with Vista. I’d be curious to compare the advertising budget of both companies to see who’s spending the most. I wouldn’t be surprised if […]

Apple’s new multi-touch trackpad demonstration

As most of you probably already know, the new MacBook has been released early this week. While the visual aspect of the beast is quite appealing, one of the features that I didn’t consider that fantastic was the new buttonless multi-touch trackpad. I mean, I already hate trackpads that have the “tapping” feature enabled, why […]

Apple’s Laptop Event Causes a Lot of Buzz

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] On Tuesday, October 14 at 10AM, Apple will be having a keynote to show off some new innovations for their notebook line.  The question is: what will those innovations be? If the internet can be believed, the keynote will debut Apple’s next big bomb, a notebook that ranges from […]

ASK [GAS] : What was your first computer and how did it change your life?

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] I was a child of the eighties, and the first computer that my parents bought was a Tandy CoCo, on which my mom taught me to type when I was seven. That computer also jumpstarted my love of videogames, since hours of playing Maniac Mansion revved me up to […]