Joost Finally Brings Streaming Video to the iPhone – With Limits

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve been on the Internet for any time at all, you might remember something called “The Venice Project.”  Essentially, the founders of Kazaa and Skype tried to come up with a way to bring television to the Internet in a peer-to-peer network that meshed with what the content providers […]

Will Walmart Sell the iPhone for $99?

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] In a bit of a surprising (yet not so surprising) move, Apple may be releasing a more economical iPhone for sale in Walmarts around the country.  This rumor comes from Kaufman Brothers, a technology market analyst group that believes a cheaper, lighter iPhone is “inevitable.”  The specifics are, of course, […]

Apple to Mac users: No anti-virus software? Get it now!

Windows users all know that there’s nothing quite like an anti-virus application to bring your PC’s performance crashing down. People using a Mac or running any flavor of Linux never have to suffer from this, since virus developers have always been interested in reaching the bulk of the population, meaning the Bill Gates-loving crew. But […]

iPhone 2.2 Firmware Released Today!

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] That’s right – yet another upgrade to the mighty JesusPhone.  Why do we report on this stuff?  Because people want to know, that’s why! iPhone users received an email today telling them to upgrade to firmware version 2.2.  It’s been a little while since a major upgrade was made, […]

How to use Apple’s new multi-touch trackpad

So, you’ve seen the multi-touch trackpad on Apple’s new Macbooks but are wondering how the thing actually works? Initially, I thought that this new trackpad concept totally sucked, but after seeing the following video, I’m not so sure anymore. Check it out below. So now that’s you’ve seen this, what are your impressions? Do you […]