Oregon Trail Makes the Long, Arduous Journey to iPhone

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] My iPhone says I’ve died of dysentery. Though somehow, the fact that it comes from a cute little cartoon makes the blow a little easier to take than back in a computer lab twenty years ago with the green-and-black pixels of the original Oregon Trail. Last week, Oregon Trail […]

Nevada casinos alerted to card-counting iPhone app

The business model for casinos always includes the simple idea that in general, gamblers will lose more than they win.  Every game is constructed to fulfill that expectation, while still allowing enough winnings to keep hopeful gamblers interested.  Any factor that alters those odds, therefore, threatens the casino business. It isn’t illegal to count cards […]

Your iPhone Died of Dysentary [Oregon Trail Rumor]

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’re any kind of geek and you’re in my age bracket (18-25), you probably got excited when you read the title of this article.  The Oregon Trail is an iconic game for many young geeks because it was available in schools (something about being educational), fun to play, and a bit […]