iPhone news round-up

Whether it’s child porn, GPS or hot casings, the iPhone continues to make news. Here’s our round-up of the latest stories about Apple’s flagship portable device: * Despite some reports, Apple is yet to officially acknowledge any specific problems with the recently-released iPhone 3G S overheating. While it has published some heat-related tips about the […]

Your iPhone Looks MUCH Better Now [PIC]

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] I spied this image on Gizmodo yesterday and it made me laugh.  Notice “YouTube:” just you and a tube! “Weather” and “Safari” aren’t too bad either!  Somebody clearly put a lot of work into this.  Let’s hope getting on the front page of Digg was the payout they […]

Apple Prepares for iPhone 3GS Day

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] This week is a very special one in the Apple calendar.  On Wednesday Apple allowed the throngs of current iPhone users to upgrade their devices to firmware version 3.0.  This long-awaited software package adds some neat new features to the iPhone but, more importantly, lays down the digital […]

Palm smartphone carrier at the end of its tether

Palm has “politely” asked a website to block users discussing how to use its latest smartphone to provide internet access to a computer. It’s a sign of how cautious the firm is to avoid upsetting Sprint, with which it has an exclusive carrier deal. The Palm Pre launched earlier this week to generally strong reviews. […]